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HOD Message

HomeIT HOD Message
Head of the Department

HOD's Message

Department of Information technology is committed to work towards developing software developer, website designer, team leaders, Professors, etc., with a rich blend of competent, technical, managerial and social skills and contribute to nation building. Department places emphasis on all the important aspects of computers such as Computer Networks, Mobile Communication, Algorithm Design, Operating System, Database System, Computer Graphics and many more. Department takes the initiative to improve the language skills, analytical capabilities of the students so that they can face the competition in the corporate world confidently. To meet the objectives, Department pays special emphasis on teaching and hands on practical work. The experienced team of faculty dedicates to strengthen effective teaching learning process ensuring quality education. We believe that this approach to teaching-learning, coupled with practical experience will make our students handle the challenges posed by the IT industry. We, as a team, resolve to take the Department to heights of success and glory and prepare for the forthcoming challenges.