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(Aruppukottai Nadargal Uravinmurai Pothu Abiviruthi Trust)
"Re-accredited with B+ Grade (3rd cycle) by NAAC"
Aruppukottai - 626 101

Code of Conduct

HomeCode of Conduct


a) At 10.00 a.m. sharp, morning session will commence with prayer every day. Students will assemble in their respective classrooms in time.

b) Students are expected to greet the members of the staff on meeting them for the first time in the day.

c) If any member of the staff or any visitor enters the classroom, the student shall rise from their seats and remain standing till they are asked to be seated.

d) No student shall leave the class room until after member of the staff has left it except with the permission or under express orders from the members of the staff concerned.

e) Students are forbidden to enter any laboratory except with the permission of the teacher in- charge.

f) Students are expected to co-operate with the authorities in keeping the premises of the college clean and tidy. They will avoid writing on the wall, throwing scraps of paper in the lecture halls, verandahs or anywhere in the premises. Any infringement of this rule will be severely dealt with.

g) Loitering and making noise in the college campus are strictly forbidden.

h) Students attending the class or the meeting of the college societies or other gathering within the college premises are expected to be neatly dressed in accordance with rules of approved etiquette.

i) Smoking is strictly forbidden within the premises of the college.

j) By whomsoever the college fine is imposed, it must be paid only to the accountant. A receipt for it must be obtained from him.

k) Any student found to be indifferent or careless in his work and whose conduct is considered to be detrimental to the best interest of the college is liable to be punished which may extend to dismissal from the college.

l) Students are prevented from using Cell Phone and any kind of musical systems within the college premises.


a) Students of school and college should abstain from active participation in party or communal politics.

b) Head Masters, Principal or other constituted schools, colleges or hostel authorities may frame and issue from time to time disciplinary rules of a permanent or temporary character regulating the conduct within this school, college or hostel of student on the rolls.

c) Head Masters, Principal or other constituted schools, colleges or hostel authorities may frame and issue from time to time disciplinary rules of a permanent or temporary character regulating the conduct outside the school, college or hostel precincts of student on the rolls so far as such rules seem necessary to maintain the credit, usefulness and reputation of the school, college, hostels.

d) Head Masters, Principal or other constituted schools, colleges or hostel authorities shall in the interest of the students of the institutions concerned have full power to inflinct the following punishments on the transgressors fine, loss of attendance, loss of term certificates, suspension and expulsion.


a) Every student is expected to attend the classes regularly.

b) Attendance will be marked at the beginning of each period and students are expected to be punctual to the classes. Late comers are liable to be fined. Absence for one or more hours during a session will be treated as absence for half-a-day.

c) All applications for Leave shall be made in writing and shall be endorsed by the father or guardian in case of the dayscholar students and by the Resident Superintendent in the case of hostel students.

d) Normally all applications for leave must be given before hand to the Principal.

e) In the case of illness or other unforeseen circumstances, applications for leave must be submitted within 6 days of absence, failing which the name of the student will be removed from the rolls.

f) In the case of an application for leave for more than a week on account of illness, the Principal may insist on the production of a medical certificate.

g) If a student is absent without leave or if leave is refused by the Principal he/she will be liable to pay the fine prescribed.

h) If a student is absent consecutively for five or more days without obtaining leave he/she shall be deemed to have left the College and be dealt with as such.

i) Absence from examination without leave will be regarded as a serious breach of discipline and will render the student concerned liable to pay the heavy fine and other penalties which may include detention. This applies to class tests also.


a) Those students who have attended the classes for 68 days (75%) and above will be permitted to appear for the ensuing University Examinations without any preconditions.

b) Those students who have attended the classes for 67 days and less, but 59 days (65%) and above will be permitted to apply for exemption in the prescribed form to the University along with fees Rs.360/- with the specific remarks of the Principal for condonation of attendance.

c) Those students who have attended the classes for 58 days and less, but 45 days (50%) and above cannot appear for University examinations provided they can appear for next examinations by paying of Rs.600/- with special permission along with proper documents for sufficient reasons for their absence.

d) Those students who have put in 44 days of attendance and less have to repeat the whole semester.


a) The library will be kept open from 9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. on all working days.

b) Each student can borrow books from the library. U.G. Students: 10 Books P.G. & M.Phil. Students: 15 Books

c) The book issue and return are entered in Computer.

d) Students of all classes can return the library books from 9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Students can borrow books from 9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. as per the following schedule only.

               U.G. Girl Students – I, III & V Day orders

               U.G. Boy Students – II, IV & VI Day orders

               P.G. Students – All working days

e) Reading room will be kept opened for all cadres between 9.00 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. on all working days. Lending of library tickets and sub lending of library books are strictly forbidden.

f) Loss of library books should be brought to the notice of the Librarian immediately. The student is responsible for the loss of books borrowed from the library.

g) On receiving a book from the library, the student must examine it at once and call the attention of the librarian to damage found, if any. Otherwise he/she will be held responsible for any damage detected afterwards.

h) A fine of Re.1/- per day will be collected for not returning the library books on due date.

i) Library fines will not be cancelled or reduced on any account.

j) In the event of loss or damage of a book the person responsible should replace it by a new one or else he will have to pay double the cost of the book, plus binding and postal charges, if necessary.

k) The librarian may recall a book at any time for reference or for other purpose.